
We aim to deliver all available (In Stock) orders within 1-10 days; however, some items may require a longer delivery timeframe. Where an item has an extended delivery time, you have the right to cancel the order via emailing prior to dispatch. Please be aware any delivery or collection date quoted is an estimate and shall not be legally binding on us. Incorrectly ordered bespoke items cannot be returned.

Some larger, heavy orders may be delivered on a pallet, which could result in a kerbside delivery. You are responsible for taking the item(s) & packaging inside your home and dispose of the relevant delivery packaging.

Time of delivery or collection shall not be the essence of the contract. We will not in any circumstances whatsoever be liable for indirect or consequential loss such as (but not limited to) loss of profit, pure economic loss, loss of market, loss of business, depletion of goodwill and similar loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses caused or the consequences of delay of delivery or collection, however this may be caused.

It is the buyer’s responsibility to ensure all items can fit through internal and external access points including passages, stairwells, landings and doorways on the way to the final delivery destination. We hold no responsibility for items not fitting in the premises and any rework or restocking fees will be payable by you prior to final delivery.

We make every effort to ensure that ordered item(s) arrive undamaged and without defects. Upon delivery or collection, it is your responsibility to check the item(s) are as ordered (correct quantity and are of satisfactory quality) as well as check for any damage, defects or faults. In the event of any discrepancies, you must notify us immediately upon delivery by writing the discrepancy on the delivery note. Writing “unexamined” or “unchecked” will not be acceptable. If the item is damaged, please retain the packaging and refer to our Returns Policy for further information on how to safely make a return. Claims for loss or damage must be made before the end of the next working day. In every event, the limits of liability for any fault or defect shall not exceed the purchase price of the item.

Replaceable items that are damaged by the buyer, will be payable by the buyer, together with a further delivery charge.

Goods will normally be delivered to the door only; we will take no responsibility for damage caused when delivering goods in the house. In the event that booked orders have been refused, wrong items have been ordered, or there is no one available to take the delivery, a further delivery charge will incur, as stated above. Most orders should be delivered between 9am and 5pm, although this may vary subject to the size and value of the item and the courier used in question.